Continuing on from self regulation of emotions with breathing in Self mastery, the next activity I have becoming aware of what you show the world and what you hide from the world. What others see in you and what they don’t know and what you don’t know that others see in you.
The Johari window was created byJoseph Luft and Harrington Ingham as a way to uncover conscious and unconscious bias.
Gartner has a great glossary on the various different quadrants as below.
- Open area: Anything you know about yourself and are willing to share with others
- Blind area: Anything you do not know about yourself, but that others have become aware of
- Hidden area: Anything you know about yourself and are not willing to share with others
- Unknown area: Any aspect unknown to you or anyone else
Mindtools have a very good article on how to complete the exercise.
The way we ran it was to work with your buddy (separately to avoid any group think or halo effect) select from the coloured adjectives that describe you and put them into the quadrants on the johari window.
Your Buddy does the same with their ones, but in relation to how they see you.
Notice the various sections as per the above Gartner descriptions. Your aim is to expand your open area and the ones you might was to move from the blind and hidden sections.
These reflection question can help with this process.
By bringing awareness, creating visibility, enables you to realise your capabilities and be intentional about how you show up in the world. It works with the work in teams and it works with ourselves. Become aware, pick something small to work on, make some changes, see what happened and start again.