Self Mastery – Values

Continuing on from being grateful and showing gratitude in self mastery. We are now going to look to our alignment of our values to the work we do and to the organisation we are working in. being clear and aligning on these will bring your certainty and purpose.

As Christian mentioned in his article Value alignment is key to job satisfaction and also organisational success.

There are lots of values cards out there to choose from. Management 3.0 has a list here.

After identifying our top 5 values we mapped these to the organisations values and also agile values. (we are agile coaches after all) .

Motivation is the driving force of your actions, whatever you value the most in life will be what determines the decisions you make. If you are not sure what you value the most you may be making decisions that don’t serve you or the organisation.

By bringing awareness, creating visibility, creating clarity.   It works with the work in teams and it works with ourselves.  Become aware, pick something small to work on, make some changes, see what happened and start again.