Self Mastery – Influence

Continuing on from creating connection in self mastery. We are now moving onto influence. As mentioned on Franklin Coveys website “Focus your energy and attention where it counts, on the things over which you have influence. As you focus on things within your Circle of Influence, it will expand. “

The first activity we did was to identify our influencing style. The link to the quiz is here.

Then to map out our circle of concern and circle of influence.

Then a reflection activity to reflect on how much you focus on things out of your control and influence and how you might let them go.

Before tying it back to our stakeholders and their concerns and influence and how we can help with that. This allows us to gain clarity and awareness around their concerns and also to build connection.

By bringing awareness, creating visibility, creating connection.   It works with the work in teams and it works with ourselves.  Become aware, pick something small to work on, make some changes, see what happened and start again.